We will not stay silent. Providence Roller Derby stands in solidarity with those fighting for racial justice and dismantling white supremacy. We call for an end to the murders and brutality committed by the police. We call to defund the police. We call for the perpetrators of these crimes to be held accountable. We call for change.

The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, and Nina Pop represent the latest in a long and cruel history of oppression and systemic racism against the black community in the United States. We are reminded, yet again, of the toll that hatred can exact on our communities, nation and world, and the disproportionate impact it has on black communities and lives.

To the BIPOC communities, we are in this fight with you. We support you. We are listening. We will do everything we can to elevate your voices. Black Lives Matter.

To white people, it is on you to aid in the fight to dismantle this corrupt and broken system. It is not enough to be Non-Racist. You need to be actively Anti-Racist. It is on you to call out ignorance, injustice, racism, and misinformation if you encounter it on the internet or face-to-face. It is on you to educate yourself and be the best accomplice that you can be. For educational resources, please see the links at the bottom of this post.
Please do not burden BIPOC with answers to questions that you can find for yourself.
Acknowledge your privilege. You are on stolen land.

Roller derby is an overwhelmingly white sport. It is disproportionately accessible to white people. The mission of Providence Roller Derby is to foster a positive, inclusive, and supportive environment for participating and engaging in the sport of flat track roller derby. If we are not actively working to be inclusive and anti-racist, we are failing both our BIPOC members and our mission as an organization.

We recognize that Providence Roller Derby and the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association, throughout the history of flat track roller derby, have made decisions that have reinforced racism and bigotry. As current leadership, we acknowledge and own this history. We are ashamed of these previous actions, our complicity, and we are deeply sorry.

To begin to address this failure, Providence Roller Derby has internally released a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) educational packet, a living document that is required reading for all league members. We will be forming a DE&I Committee that will continue to curate this living document and will be responsible for producing initiatives to diversify our adult and juniors league. We have invited a professional to educate the league on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

There is a lot of work still to be done in our league, and we are committed to education and growth.

If you have questions, or want to tangibly help support this movement, here is a small sample of the educational resources available:

With a special thank you to Baller Shot Caller, for making the following heartfelt and candid post, and inspiring us to form a DE&I Committee. Watch here: https://www.facebook.com/4915625/videos/10111750045491490/?id=4915625
